Merit Badges

Lake Erie Council offers its own Merit Badge opportunities through summer camp and year-round programs. We also partner with local organizations with expertise in particular merit badge topics.

Lake Erie Council Events

Join us at the Lake Erie Council at a variety of events to explore and earn your merit badges!

Become a Merit Badge Counselor

Questions, and both completed forms below, should be directed to the Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator ( Please use Position Code 42 for Merit Badge Counselor on the Adult Application.

Learn more about the new Citizen in Society merit badge here.

Lake Erie Council Merit Badge Counselor List

Updated 2/10/2025 - New Renewal List

These are both password-protected with a password and read-only. The password is the same for the PDF and Excel documents. The Excel document can be sorted and filtered to narrow selections for Scouts. Unit Leaders, Advancement Chairs, and Committee Chairs for Troops, Crews, and Ships can contact to obtain the current password.