3-minute Update

LEC 3 Minute Update – June 23, 2021

Mornin', welcome to the 3-minute update! This one's coming to you a little later than normal, and we can chalk that up to the time of year: construction. FYI, if you're coming to Beaumont from I-90, you'll want to disregard the posted detour and instead, turn left onto Route 307, right onto Forman Rd., follow that down yonder to Eagleville-Jefferson Rd. (the intersection isn't marked, but if you turn correctly you'll see the Country Baptist Church to your right), then turn left back onto Route 45. Got it? Excellent! Believe me folks, its quicker than the posted detour, I timed it both ways!

Moving on, here's what's up: the Eagle Dinner, the 75th camporall, popcorn, Scout's Own, a thank you to our Golf Classic sponsors, and the zoom meetings upcoming for Scout leaders.

If you earned your Eagle in 2020, you're welcome to attend the Class of 2020 Eagle Scout Dinner on August 8th. Register at this link: https:app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/BoyScoutsofAmerica-Cleveland/eaglecelebration.html Questions go to Todd Gaydosh.

The 75th Camporall is coming up on September 17-19! The first half of fees are due on July 1st, so be aware. Meals, program, fun midways, great music, and fireworks are part of the plan! Be there or have less fun elsewhere.

It's popcorn season! Sign up now! "But sir: its so early, the popcorn isnt that good, blah blah blah:" uh but but but: NO BUTS! Sign up now.

Same with Scout's Own! Sign up now. Ask Kallee Kissing for more info on both!

At this time, we at the Lake Erie Council would to send a special thaank you to all our sponsors of the 44th annual Lake Erie Council Golf Classic. Most specifically, J.W. Didado Electric Services and Burns and McConnell. Thanks to our sponsors and golfers, there is still support for the great impact Scouting leaves on today's youth.

Lastly, here's how things are at Beaumont: I asked the Scouts in weather merit badge to predict the weather. Their reply: It's going to be hot, and it might rain. Every weather app and news channel in the region gave me the same forecast. And that's how I know we're preparing youth for their future one merit badge at a time!

Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! We'll see ya next time, on location somewhere, with the future's 3-minute update.

LEC 3 Minute Update – June 16, 2021

Mornin’, all! And welcome to our 3-minute Update on-location shoot today at Firelands Scout Reservation. Behind me are Scouts participating and staffing the 2021 NYLT course. When I asked the Scouts how their day was going, all 91 screamed “If You Can See it, You Can Be it!” Then I picked myself up off the ground, wiped the blood out of my ear, and thanked them for the update. That’s how things are going here, and let’s give you an update on the rest of the Scouting world:

We’ve got an update on advancement, beascout.org, the 75th Camporall, popcorn, Scout’s Own, the Eagle Scout dinner, and today’s fun fact.

Let’s start with advancement: this is a friendly reminder that all Cub Scouts are now working their next rank up. Any rank or elective advancements should get logged into Scoutbook now, and work on their next rank begins. Questions about Scoutbook or advancement should go to Member Care.

Next, let’s talk about beascout.org. If you know what that is, that’s a good thing! Remember, there are leads that come through from the outside, so you need to check your beascout pins regularly. Also remember to update them! If you don’t know I’m talking about, email member care right now asking “What is a beascout pin?” It’ll be the best 3 minute call for growing your pack ever!

Regarding the 75th Camporall, you need to know 2 things: 1, it’s going to rock your socks off! There will be good music, a midway with unique Scouting demonstrations, and FIREWORKS! Cost is $50, and the first half of that fee is due by July 1st. Contact Phil Williams or Noah Boksansky with registration questions.

It is also possible to sponsor a campsite for the 75th Camporall. Campsite sponsorships are available for units to commemorate their campsites with a unique sign, and you can also purchase a memorial brick for this event, which will be placed around the future, updated flag plaza in front of the Augustus Training Center. Contact me, Jake Brown, with sponsorship questions.

Switching gears, now is the time to sign up for popcorn! Will this be the best year for popcorn yet? That’s up to you, but we have the tools you need to make it so! Contact Kallee Kissling to get registered now.

And now for today’s fun fact: did you know that the Boy Scouts of America and Father’s Day’s observance as a national holiday both began in 1910? I asked my Dad if he remembers such momentous occasions. Now I live 90 minutes away from him. But I plan to win back his love and acceptance with 100% pure maple syrup, and 2 pairs of Thorlos socks. Because if there’s one thing he loves more than socks, it’s socks that were 20% off when you buy 2 pairs or more at the Cleveland Scout Shop. Your welcome, Dad! I gotcha a swingin’ deal!

Lastly, the Eagle Scouts of 2020 are cordially invited to the Eagle Scout Celebration on August 8th, at Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica in Cleveland. Check the here to register.

And that’s a Scout’s Own syrup-covered breakfast wrap for this 3-minute update. Thanks for tuning in, and for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright. Toasted burrito!

LEC 3 Minute Update – June 9, 2021

Mornin’, all! And this is your 3-minute update from Jamaica! Today’s update is pretty easy, and we’ll be able to do it in one take this time! We’ve got an update on Family Camps, Beaumont’s 75th Camporall, this year’s popcorn sale, Scout’s Own, and an update from the Scout store.

Don’t forget folks, it isn’t too late to register for Family Camping Weekends across the council this summer! For just $15/person, you get to camp with your family and/or friends, get to swim and play with slingshots, earn Tribe of Achoowuh orders, and enjoy a peaceful, easy weekend in your favorite camp!

Adventure Day Camp for cubs is also available for those looking for a day camp experience at Beaumont Scout Reservation. This year’s theme is Magic Treehouse. Not to be confused with the magic school bus, they’re different storylines! Questions about these camps? Reach out to my main magical woman Brittany Dunne.

And have you seen the patches? Yeah, these! Commemorative re-production patches from the golden days of yore will be available for sale, starting at Resident Camp, and continuing at the 75th Camporall. Registration is live, and the first half of the fees are due on July 1st for registrants. Everyone’s going to walk away with a T-shirt and meals for Saturday. And there are other sponsoring opportunities to make the weekend even more memorable! Contact me or Noah with questions.

Did you know! It’s popcorn time! Time to form the corn, then shuck the corn, and then pop the corn!! Oh yeah! You should’ve received an email from Trail’s End about the sale. And if you didn’t, that’s ok! Kallee’s got your back, and will be sending out another email with further details shortly: watch your inbox. I’m watching mine!

But just because popcorn is here doesn’t mean you can’t still sell Scout’s Own products! Make sure your Father, Grandfather, or any other father figure in your life has a great Father’s Day! Get him some Scout’s Own!

The Scout Shop has Thorlos socks on sale for 25% off 2 or more pairs thru June 19th! And on Fathers’ Day weekend. And if you buy 3 or more select gift items thru June 13th for Father’s Day, you’ll save 20%!

And if that’s not enough to bring you down here, well, the Scout Shop is also looking for folks looking for part-time jobs! Get you some fine cheddar and golden bars for your Scout shirt by talking with Paula Puchajda In the store.

By golly, that’s proof that Lake Erie Council really is home of the Swingin’ Deal! Thanks for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright. Until next time, toasted burrito!

LEC 3 Minute Update – June 2, 2021

Mornin’, all! I’m Jake Brown, and this is your 3 minute update for Ju-JUNE!! Holy cannoli! For the week of June 2nd. Here’s what’s up today: upcoming activities, the new COVID guidelines, a Memorial Day re-cap, a reminder to sell Scout’s Own, and this week’s second of reflection.

I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend, and took some time to honor some in the armed forces who gave all to this nation to keep it free. Facebook is full of awesome pictures across the Council of Scouts participating in parades, flag ceremonies, and adorning headstones at cemeteries with flags or markers. Well done, Scouts!

Memorial Day weekend also marked the last weekend of our previous COVID procedures! That’s right, you can say “Bye, Felicia!” to the 2-week temp check forms and limiting groups to only 10! There are still restrictions in place: if you have questions about the new policies or how to implement them in your units, please reach out to member care.

 That means upcoming events, including the Cub Scout Shooting Sports Day at Firelands and the Swings’n’Things Overnighter, will be easier to see each others’ smiling faces as the fun just never ends! Don’t forget about family camping opportunities this summer to bring your Cubs, SBSA, Venturers, or even just neighborhood friends out to camp! Contact me or Brittany for details.

 And this is your weekly reminder: Don’t get “stuck” with no funds: sell Scout’s Own products today!

 Lastly, Memorial Day gave me a chance to reflect on the words of one of my mentors in Scouting. He taught me, years ago: “Every day you leave the office, take a moment and think about how you furthered the mission of Scouting.” Over the weekend, I was a part of the cooking crew at Wilderness First Aid. Supporting their training efforts, getting to know some of the volunteers a little better, and witnessing the comraderie built over the weekend: that’s a recent high point in how I got to help further the mission of Scouting lately.

I invite you to take a moment and reflect on that, and feel free to send me your reflections via email: How have you furthered the mission of Scouting??

And that’s a Scout’s Own covered breakfast-WRAP for the day! Thanks for keeping the flame of Scouting burning bright!

But WAIT: There is more! Registration for the Beaumont 75th Camporall opens this Monday! Join us at BSR for a fun-filled weekend on September 17-19, 2021, for a weekend you will not want to miss. For information contact Noah Boksansky or Phil Williams!

LEC 3 Minute Update – May 26, 2021

Good morning Scouts and Scouters! I’m Jake Brown, filling in permanently for Kevin Wassie. It was explained to me through our office water cooler news cycle that we lost Kevin after he moved to Texas to be with exes, or something to that effect. Mary Joan, you and Dave are in our prayers, and we are sorry he is gone.

Oh, wait, my producer is telling me Kevin is not gone forever, he just moved. Wow! What a relief!! Gee, I guess I shouldn’t believe everything I hear, then. Thanks, Anthony!

Ok, back to the news of Scouting!

On behalf of the Lake Erie Council, we’d like to thank everyone who attended or staffed the Trailblazer, Tough Cubber, and Clue Camporees! They were fun, successful events, and reviews are great! 

If you’re still looking for opportunities to get out as aa family or as a den/patrol/Pack/Troop, please check out the Following:

-The Swings’N’Things Overnighter on June 5

-The Family Camping Weekends at Beaumont and Firelands

-The Cub Shooting Sports Day at Firelands on June 5

-The Beaumont 75th Camporall, September 17-19, open to EVERYONE!

 Our events are scheduled through the end of 2021: please check out the Council calendar for the latest information!

Speaking of attending camp, you may be thinking, “Golly, Jake, I wish there was a way to easily fund our trips to camp!” Well, we’re glad you asked! Ya know, Father’s Day is around the corner, and Kallee Kissling will hook you up with ALL the syrup you need for a great Father’s Day Syrup Sale blitz! Shoot her a call or an email: her info is in the script. I can confirm, we just got in more pallets of the stuff, so there’s no reason any Scout shouldn’t be able to come to camp with the help of Scout’s Own.

And that’s a Scout’s Own Covered Breakfast Wrap to the day! Thanks for tuning in, and Kevin, if you can hear me, we miss you! I miss you! This update can be yours again, I promise!

LEC 3 Minute Update – May 20, 2021

Hello, Lake Erie Council. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your 3-minute update for the third week of May 2021. We had a busy few days over the past week, so I will be starting out with several Thank Yous, followed by a heart-felt goodbye, and then we will end with the Lake Erie Council Lightning Round Summer Edition. 

Last weekend the LEC hosted Clue the Camporee, Cub Scout Trailblazer Weekend, and our Morgana Run Trail Clean-up. Each of these events were huge successes. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped bring these activities to our Scouts and families. As a council, we are always looking for new adult leaders who are interested in providing exciting programs at our camps. Whether you are an experienced leader, a Scouting parent, or a former Scouter, we want you to be a part of our Outdoor Adventures. Contact Phil Williams to learn how you can get involved in planning, hosting, or volunteering at one of our camp events. 

Yesterday we also hosted our annual Great Scout Luncheon. The event can be viewed online by visiting our Facebook page or GreatScoutLuncheon.org. We greatly appreciate everyone who tuned in and thank you to all the individuals and companies who made a life-changing donation through the Great Scout Luncheon.

Now for some bittersweet news. I am formally announcing today that I have accepted a new Scouting role with the Longhorn Council in Texas. Today will be my final time hosting the 3-minute update. I want to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers, parents, and Scouts who have made my four years with the Lake Erie Council unforgettable. We have created a lot of amazing memories and you have all sat through way too many obnoxious Kevin Wassie videos. A special thank you to my parents who like and share all our ridiculous videos. From my days as a Cub Scout to today, they have always been my biggest Scouting supporters. Although this stage of my career with the Lake Erie Council is ending, I will continue to support scouting in Northeast Ohio as a Keeper of the Flame. In lieu of flowers, please honor my memory by joining me as a Keeper of the Flame. Your monthly donation will support the local Scouting Movement. 

Now it’s time for your Lightning Round summer reminders. There is still time to register for Summer Program at our camp properties. We are offering Scouts BSA Resident Camp, Family Camping Weekends, Cub Scout Day Camp, and Weekend camping opportunities. Check out our calendar for more details. Summer is also the time to start planning your 2021-2022 unit calendars. A Scout is always prepared, and successful Scouting units always have a plan. Focus on planning your big activities, filling leadership vacancies, building a membership plan, and preparing for this fall’s popcorn sale. Need help with this process? Contact LEC Member Care. They are here to help. The Lake Erie Council is also fully embracing the BSA’s Summer of Service, so make sure your Scouting unit is visible in the community and giving back regularly through planned service projects. Now get out there and have an adventure! 

That’s all for this week’s 3-mintue update. Please like and share this video with your Scouting Family and thank you for keeping the Scouting Flame burning bright.

LEC 3 Minute Update – May 12, 2021

Hello, Lake Erie Council. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your 3-minute update for the second week of May 2021. Today, I will be sharing details about the exciting programs being offered this weekend, I will be inviting you to be a part of next week’s Virtual Great Scout Luncheon, and finally I will be providing you with a bunch of information in our new segment: Lightning Round Reminders 

This weekend there are a lot of amazing Scouting opportunities happening in our council. Firelands Scout Reservation is hosting Clue the Camporee for Scouts BSA members and Beaumont Scout Reservation is having Trailblazer Weekend for Cub Scouts and their families. If you are not attending one of these two events, I would love for you to join me at our Morgana Run Trail Cleaning Project from 9AM to Noon on Saturday, May 15th. We will be meeting at Mound Elementary School: 5935 Ackley Road in Cleveland. I’m going to be really honest with you, I am desperate to get a few more volunteers to help with this service project. It should be a beautiful day, so this is a great opportunity to bring the family downtown, provide much-needed service, and then enjoy some quality time in our beautiful city. For more information on this project and all our events, visit the council calendar at LECBSA.org or check out our Facebook page. I can’t wait to see you out on the trail, and by “trail”, I do mean the Morgana Run Trail this Saturday from 9AM to Noon. 

Also, make sure you set a reminder to join the Lake Erie Council on May 19th for the 2021 Great Scout Luncheon. The event will start at 4:30PM and it can be viewed online at GreatScoutLuncheon.org. The program will include guest speaker Jay Hennessey who is Vice President of Learning and Development for the Cleveland Indians and a former commander of the Naval Special Warfare Center. Join Jay and many other special guests for this exciting celebration of Scouting next Wednesday. Also, because of this event, we will be publishing next week’s 3-minute update on Thursday instead of our usual Wednesday. 

Now for our new segment: Lighting Round Reminders! Ok, here we go. Our downtown and Firelands Scout Shops are open for business. Stop in to get all the gear and supplies you need for you summer Scouting Adventures. Speaking of Summer Scouting Adventures, this summer we are celebrating Beaumont’s 75th anniversary. Resident Campspaces are still available. Can’t come out for summer camp? Join us for family camp weekends at both properties. While you’re out having fun, make sure you are sharing pictures and stories within your communities on a public-facing Facebook page for your Scouting unit. This will help with your recruitment efforts. Remember, successful units are constantly recruiting new Scouts. The future of your Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship depends on it. Finally, if you are a Scouting leader, make sure you are taking the time over the next two months to meet and create an annual plan for your unit. If you need help with this process, contact the LEC Service Team for help at LECMemberCare@Scouting.org or by phone at 216.861.6060.

That’s all for this week’s 3-mintue update. Thank you for keeping the Scouting Flame burning bright and for joining me this Saturday morning at the Morgana Run Trail!

LEC 3 Minute Update – May 5, 2021

Hello, friends. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your Lake Erie Council 3-ish-minute update for the first week of May 2021. Today, I will be giving an update on last week’s Scout’s Trash the Trash Day, inviting you to participate in our Morgana Run Trail Clean-up, sharing information on the Great Scout Luncheon, and finally I will give you some great Mother’s Day gift advice.  

Last weekend was Scout’s Trash the Trash day. Scouter’s from across the Lake Erie Council came together to make a positive difference in their communities. Your Lake Erie Council service team worked with the Pack 3071’s Tiger Den to pick up 11 large bags of trash in Painesville. This is just one of the many examples of service that was provided. Producer Anthony, can we run a quick photo montage of some of our participating units? Remember, this was our reconnect with Communities event as part of the LEC Unplug and Reconnect Spring Membership Campaign. We are asking every Scouting unit to bring in 3 brand new Scouts to our programs this spring. If you need help engaging new families, contact your Lake Erie Council Member Care Team, LECMemberCare@Scouting.org or 440.861.6060 option “0”. 

Our next service opportunity is on Saturday, May 15th. We will gather to provide trail maintenance on the Morgana Run Trail in the historic Slavic Village. The project will run from 9AM-Noon. Our team will be meeting at Mound Elementary School, 5935 Ackley Rd in Cleveland.  We will be trimming overgrown trees and shrubs, removing trash and trail debris, and making general improvements to the trail. All are welcome to join. The Clean & Green Cleveland Equipment Trailer will be on site, so the only thing you need to bring is the cheerful service, we will provide all the tools and equipment.  

Please join us on May 19th for the 2021 Great Scout Luncheon. This year’s guest speaker is Jay Hennessey who is the Cleveland Indian’s Vice President of Learning and Development and a veteran of the United States Navy where he served as the Commander of the Navy Special Warfare Center. Join Jay and several other guests as we share the positive message of Scouting in Northeast Ohio. For more information or to donate to the Scouting program, contact Pete Biltz at 216.458.8934 or at the e-mail address below. 

Finally, if Mary Joan Wassie is watching this please stop the video now because I don’t want to ruin your Mother’s Day surprise. If your mom is anything like mine, she puts up with a lot of nonsense and she deserves an amazing gift on Mother’s Day. This year treat your mom to breakfast in bed with our Scout’s Own Mother’s Day Special Offer. For $25 you will receive a bottle of Scout’s Own Special Reserve Syrup and a bag of our delicious pancake mix. Order today at ilove.scoutsown.org or contact our Syrup expert, Kallee Kissling

Alright folks, I’m going to go eat some pancakes so I can build up my energy and strength for the Morgana Run Trail cleaning on the morning of May 15th. I hope to see you out on the trail with us, and as always, thank you for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright. 

LEC 3 Minute Update – April 28, 2021

Hello, friends. My name is Kevin Wassie, and I’m coming to you from beautiful Beaumont Scout Reservation for your Lake Erie Council 3-minute update for the final week of April. Today I will be starting with a big thank you, then sharing a reminder about Spring Recruitment, and finally I will provide you with some updates on our Lake Erie Council Member Care Structure.

A huge Scout-out to all the volunteers, Scouts, and family members who helped to deliver some amazing programs this past weekend. We hosted our Pioneer Forward Spring Camporee at Beaumont Scout Reservation. Our Cub Scout Safari Fun Day at Firelands Scout Reservation, and many units hosted hikes in their local communities as part of our Unplug and Reconnect Spring Recruitment Campaign. And of course, I can’t forget about all our Merit Badge programs that have taken place over the past few days. Scouting is thriving in Northeast Ohio, and it wouldn’t be possible with out committed people like you who deliver the promise of Scouting. Visit LECBSA.org to see all our upcoming events and activities.  

With so many amazing opportunities for young people, we want to make sure every family has access to the Scouting program. That's where our Unplug and Reconnect Spring Recruitment Campaign comes into play. This might sound shocking to some of you, but new Scouts won’t join your Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship unless you invite them. Saturday, March 1st is the international Scouts Trash the Trash Day. I will personally be at Adventure Subaru in Painesville Ohio from 10AM-1PM working with a crew of Scouts to clean the wooded area behind their dealership. Feel free to join me or find a Scouting unit in your community that is participating. There is still plenty of time to plan a service project for this weekend.  I can’t wait to see all of you Reconnect with you Communities this weekend.  However, service doesn’t just happen one weekend a year. On May 15th, we are looking for as many volunteers as possible to join us for a trail cleaning day at the Morgana Run Trail in the historic Slavic Village. Mark your calendars, more details will be coming soon to our Facebook page. 

Just a friendly reminder, that the Great Scout Luncheon is just 3 weeks away. Be on a look out for an email with updated information about this years virtual program. Visit greatscoutluncheon.org for more information, and we look forward to sharing the program with you on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. 

Finally, if you have called the Lake Erie Council Unit Service Center lately you may have noticed that our options have recently changed. In an effort to better serve our volunteers and families, we have departmentalized our staff in a way that will help get you the assistance you needed as quickly as possible. When you call the Service Center, if you aren’t sure of this specific person you need, start by selecting “0” to connect with our Member Care Team at the front desk. They will be able to answer your question or connect you to the person who can. As I always say, our job is to make your job easier. 

That’s all for this week’s update. Please like and share this video with your Scouting family. As always, thank you for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright. 

LEC 3 Minute Update – April 21, 2021

Hello, Lake Erie Council Family. My name is Kevin Wassie, and this is your LEC 3-minute update for the 4 week of April. Today we’re talking about Volunteer Appreciation Week, this weekend’s Reconnect with Nature Recruitment Event, and finally the Beaumont 75th Anniversary celebration.

 The Scouting program would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our amazing volunteers. On behalf of the Lake Erie Council, I want to thank every volunteer for improving the lives of young people across Northeast Ohio. You provide countless opportunities for our Scouts, and your positive influence will have lasting effects on a world that needs Scouting now more than ever. In recognition of your service, please check out the LEC Facebook page throughout the week for a variety of Volunteer Appreciation posts and giveaways. We are also hosting a volunteer appreciation Virtual Campfire on Facebook Live this Saturday at 7PM.

 Make sure you get plenty of rest after that virtual campfire, because this weekend Scouting units across the Lake Erie Council will be hosting their Reconnect with Nature events. These in-person, socially distant hikes are designed to get your current Scouts active while also inviting new families to join the Scouting family. It isn’t too late to advertise or even to plan your event. Let’s get out there and remind the world that Scouting is here, and you are invited to be a part of the Scouting Movement.

If you need further proof that the Scouting Movement is alive and well, look no further than our very own Beaumont Scout Reservation. This summer, we are celebrating 75 years of life-changing adventures as BSR. You can be a part of this celebration by attending one of our many program events held at the property in the coming months. We will be offering Resident Camp for Troops and Crews, Adventure Day Camp for Cub Scouts, and Family Camp weekends for everyone. Check out our calendar at LECBSA.org for all the dates and details. We can’t wait to see you on the trail!

 That’s all for this week’s update. Please like and share this video with your Scouting family. As always, thank you for keeping the Scouting flame burning bright.